CardioComm Solutions, Inc. (CardioComm Solutions) is a publically traded company (EKG.v) with and office in Toronto, ON. CardioComm Solutions has a unique position in the medical diagnostic industry as an FDA cleared, ISO certified and Health Canada/CE approved company for the development, sale and marketing of medical software and devices. CardioComm Solutions owns its own source code unlike its competitors who typically acquired source code licenses.CardioComm Solutions specialization is in the software engineering of computer based electrocardiogram (ECG) management and reporting software. This software permits physician interpretations of ECGs and supports private and public payer fee-for-service billings. ECGs are electrical recordings of the heart and performing an ECG is one of the most common diagnostic tests performed. Over the past three years CardioComm Solutions has successfully launched technologies that enable the use of new medical devices and communication portals utilizing internet and cellular based technologies for the recording, transmission and viewing of ECGs. As of January 2013, CardioComm Solutions ECG management solutions can now service both medical and consumer markets internationally.As an example of their in-hospital presence, CardioComm Solutions OEMs their arrhythmia management software for General Electric Health Care (under the Mars brand) and provides infrastructure support with their ECG viewer (GUAVA) for the Lind Care owned Raytel Home Monitoring Service (purchased from Royal Philips in 2013). Standard software offerings are provided under an annual license, one time license purchase with annual service and support or under a fee for use model.CardioComm Solutions offerings include PC and LAN based products known as GEMS (Global ECG Management System), internet based SAAS and ASP software is known as GC3/12 (Global Cardio 3 and 12 lead), a medical ECG service (call centre model) is operated under the C4 name (CardioComm Solutions Coordinating Centre) and a consumer based HeartCheck driven call centre under the Smart Monitoring name. CardioComm Solutions supports resting ECG records as well as arrhythmia monitoring ECG protocols using event loop recorders (ELR). Their ELR solutions support traditional transtelephonic transmissions as well as via wireless (cellular) communication.Number of Partnerships: 10