Blue Marble Health
Blue Marble is a team of experienced clinical researchers, software designers, and software platform developers who have created a remote therapeutic monitoring and analytics platform for chronic disease and wellness. Blue Marble's suite of products includes evidence-based digital assessments, education and exercises upper and lower extremity strengthening, balance, coordination and aerobic/cardio exercises. Patients, clients, and research participants or volunteers can access these gamified Blue Marble products through downloadable apps at home, at outpatient clinics, and/or inpatient rehab programs or community-based organizations. Administrators, clinicians and researchers access the Blue Marble web-app portal to design and assign health & wellness and rehabilitative programs with specific assessments exercises and educational lessons personalized to each client. They also use the portal's built-in dashboard and reports to monitor the health and progress of their panel. Additionall
Ventures > Blue Marble Health
Blue Marble Health
Blue Marble is a team of experienced clinical researchers, software designers, and software platform developers who have created a remote therapeutic monitoring and analytics platform for chronic disease and wellness. Blue Marble's suite of products includes evidence-based digital assessments, education and exercises upper and lower extremity strengthening, balance, coordination and aerobic/cardio exercises. Patients, clients, and research participants or volunteers can access these gamified Blue Marble products through downloadable apps at home, at outpatient clinics, and/or inpatient rehab programs or community-based organizations. Administrators, clinicians and researchers access the Blue Marble web-app portal to design and assign health & wellness and rehabilitative programs with specific assessments exercises and educational lessons personalized to each client. They also use the portal's built-in dashboard and reports to monitor the health and progress of their panel. Additionall
- Funding