conversationHEALTH, part of Real Chemistry, enables the world’s leading health care and life sciences companies to create AI-driven virtual experiences that exceed customer expectations. Our HIPAA-compliant and privacy-safe system of engagement utilizes advanced natural language processing, medically-trained natural language understanding and contextual artificial intelligence to transform conversations into highly-personalized interactions via intelligent agents. Purpose-built by industry for industry, the conversationHEALTH platform can be deployed for scientific communications, medical affairs, clinical study and commercial operations to enable greater accessibility, improved responsiveness and better outcomes. We’re transforming the way the pharmaceutical industry engages with physicians, patients and consumers through conversation.
Ventures > conversationHEALTH
conversationHEALTH, part of Real Chemistry, enables the world’s leading health care and life sciences companies to create AI-driven virtual experiences that exceed customer expectations. Our HIPAA-compliant and privacy-safe system of engagement utilizes advanced natural language processing, medically-trained natural language understanding and contextual artificial intelligence to transform conversations into highly-personalized interactions via intelligent agents. Purpose-built by industry for industry, the conversationHEALTH platform can be deployed for scientific communications, medical affairs, clinical study and commercial operations to enable greater accessibility, improved responsiveness and better outcomes. We’re transforming the way the pharmaceutical industry engages with physicians, patients and consumers through conversation.
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