Generation Lab
Generation Lab aims to extend the human healthspan with the first test based on clinically relevant biological evidence that measures individuals’ biological age progression and risk of disease so everyone can live longer, healthier lives. Co-founded by a preeminent aging and longevity researcher from UC Berkeley, Generation Lab combines a simple cheek-swab test with proprietary techniques to definitively measure molecular disbalance that indicates aging and risk of disease. The company works with clinicians who can recommend personalized interventions, and Generation Lab can measure the effectiveness of these over time.
Ventures > Generation Lab
Generation Lab
Generation Lab aims to extend the human healthspan with the first test based on clinically relevant biological evidence that measures individuals’ biological age progression and risk of disease so everyone can live longer, healthier lives. Co-founded by a preeminent aging and longevity researcher from UC Berkeley, Generation Lab combines a simple cheek-swab test with proprietary techniques to definitively measure molecular disbalance that indicates aging and risk of disease. The company works with clinicians who can recommend personalized interventions, and Generation Lab can measure the effectiveness of these over time.
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