Note Designer
Note Designer was created to streamline the process of conceptualizing and documenting our clinical work. With over 350 pre-set phrases and statements, plus the option to create your own, your therapy notes are are completed with ease and efficiency. Note Designer arranges your selections and additional comments into an organized narrative describing the clinical session. Comes with modules for Treatment Planning and Intake & Termination Summaries. Watch our video to see how it works and how Note Designer can save you valuable time with your record keeping.
Ventures > Note Designer
Note Designer
Note Designer was created to streamline the process of conceptualizing and documenting our clinical work. With over 350 pre-set phrases and statements, plus the option to create your own, your therapy notes are are completed with ease and efficiency. Note Designer arranges your selections and additional comments into an organized narrative describing the clinical session. Comes with modules for Treatment Planning and Intake & Termination Summaries. Watch our video to see how it works and how Note Designer can save you valuable time with your record keeping.
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