Practice Better
Practice Better is the leading all-in-one practice management platform, empowering health and wellness professionals to help millions of clients live better lives. The company serves 15,000+ customers in 70+ countries, reaches more than 1 million clients across the globe, and processes hundreds of millions of dollars annually in payments on behalf of its customers. From its earliest days supporting nutrition-focused practitioners, Practice Better has been embraced by a wide range of practitioners, including licensed mental health providers, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and more. The platform relieves wellness professionals of the burden of administrative work, helps them engage more with clients, and empowers them to scale their practices beyond the traditional 1:1 model. Customers consistently award Practice Better the highest satisfaction scores in the field and recommend it enthusiastically to their friends.
Ventures > Practice Better
Practice Better
Practice Better is the leading all-in-one practice management platform, empowering health and wellness professionals to help millions of clients live better lives. The company serves 15,000+ customers in 70+ countries, reaches more than 1 million clients across the globe, and processes hundreds of millions of dollars annually in payments on behalf of its customers. From its earliest days supporting nutrition-focused practitioners, Practice Better has been embraced by a wide range of practitioners, including licensed mental health providers, naturopathic doctors, chiropractors, and more. The platform relieves wellness professionals of the burden of administrative work, helps them engage more with clients, and empowers them to scale their practices beyond the traditional 1:1 model. Customers consistently award Practice Better the highest satisfaction scores in the field and recommend it enthusiastically to their friends.
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